all postcodes in WS7 / BURNTWOOD

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Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS7 2AL 0 52.682402 -1.932106
WS7 2AR 0 52.684992 -1.93296
WS7 2AS 0 52.684819 -1.930312
WS7 2AT 0 52.685268 -1.928388
WS7 2AU 0 52.684827 -1.927132
WS7 2AX 0 52.685114 -1.926969
WS7 2AY 0 52.684386 -1.926452
WS7 2AZ 0 52.684332 -1.927133
WS7 2BA 0 52.684423 -1.928715
WS7 2BB 0 52.684441 -1.929529
WS7 2BD 0 52.684488 -1.931437
WS7 2BE 0 52.68625 -1.931479
WS7 2BF 0 52.691864 -1.924102
WS7 2BG 0 52.686439 -1.932396
WS7 2BH 0 52.686267 -1.930132
WS7 2BJ 0 52.686932 -1.93022
WS7 2BQ 0 52.685395 -1.930622
WS7 2BU 8 52.681431 -1.930835
WS7 2BX 5 52.681306 -1.932758
WS7 2BY 1 52.680764 -1.928381